Move, resonate, and celebrate the sacred rhythm of life.


Your voice is the most potent magic in existence.

  • In this vocal opening ceremony, allow yourself to be guided ​through the exploration of your own unique expression. This space will ​offer all original song, mantra and prayerful spoken word, inviting ​you to participate and cultivate a unique connection to ​your own voice and prayer. Together, we forge a deeper ​rooted connection with Source through the sharing of earth based melodies.

  • Journey through a crystalline vibration which works on a cellular level to welcome the body and mind back into equilibrium through a full nervous system reset.

    Meet yourself in a safe and sacred container, guided by voice and sound, where the hope is to have you leave the space with more clarity, in deeper connection to your essence, re-enlivened in heart.


Letting bodies speak, what words cannot.

  • Mollie’s classes are prayerful and balanced, allowing students to experience fluidity whilst focusing the mind. Mōllie’s sessions encourage a somatically connected experience of the body as a means to dive deeper into the heart and connection to Self. This is a space which encourages us to source connection, energy and strength from the land and elements surrounding us.

  • Experience a transformative journey of connection and self-discovery in this immersive workshop. Explore contact dance as a somatic healing modality, guiding you through an adventure that bridges movement, expression, and shared experience. Begin with a soul-nourishing cacao ceremony, opening hearts and creating a welcoming space for vulnerability and connection.

    As barriers gently dissolve, prayerful intentions emerge. Step into the world of dance with self and others, weaving an expressive tapestry of movement, technique and free flow.

    Join us for this extraordinary experience and discover the transformative power of dance and somatic connection.


Mollie has been learning alongside the potent medicine of Cacao for the last 12 years. Step into the sacred space of a Cacao Ritual with Mollie, where you can open your heart and connect deeply with yourself and others. Allow the warmth and wisdom of ceremonial cacao to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and inner exploration. Through ritual and intention, experience the transformative power of this heart-opening elixir as you awaken to new levels of presence and connection.

For private, group and events bookings please reach out. We look forward to connecting with you